Daily Aries Horoscope July 28 (28/07)


Mar 21 − Apr 19

Alias: Alias: The Ram

July 28


daily aries horoscope:

summary aries daily

Star 7/10

You can please some of the people some of the time but not everyone all of the time. It might be difficult to know what others expect of you today, and the indecisive Libran Moon could make it tricky to know what your next move should be to keep others happy and content. Regardless of what might appear confusing or uncertain, as long as your actions are underpinned with honesty and a belief that what youre doing is right, you wont go wrong.


summary aries tomorrow

Star 10/10

A wave of optimism making its way into your world will be helpful and beneficial on many levels, but youll need to summon restraint to ensure you dont get too carried away with a glowing vision of the future. Use the energy youre blessed with now to make progress where its needed but dont stick your head in the sand regarding one or two issues that your new-found enthusiasm could cause you to pretend dont exist or dont need attention, too.


summary aries weekly

Star 9/10

A need exists to continue to put an emphasis on intellectual exchanges as you and a loved one can create or strengthen a bond through communicating ideas and desires. The deeper youre prepared to go with discussions, the deeper your bond can become. With a plethora of planets influencing love, romance and your sense of adventure, youre likely to find less effort than youve grown used to making to instigate discussions or make passionate progress will be needed. Your passion packs a powerful punch so be cautious with how you focus your energies!


summary aries monthly

Star 8/10

Thoughts and ideas about how to boost your income will be in abundance but you could feel encouraged to cease thinking about ways to enhance your bank balance and start taking action to make it happen. This would be plain sailing if you didnt encounter your ideas or proposals to be met with resistance by someone who believes they know better than you about what you should be doing. Dont allow this to become a battle of wills. Smile and do as youre told in the knowledge you have Plan B up your sleeve.


health aries daily

Star 8/10

Some days just aren\t going to go very well, and you can\t hold yourself responsible! The best thing you can do is to stick to what you know. You know, for example, that eight glasses of water is the daily dietary minimum (double it if you wish). You also know that personal time is important to you (even though you tend to pretend it is not). Regardless of the surprises the day may bring, take comfort in the good things that you can always do for yourself.


health aries tomorrow

Star 10/10

You sometimes get stuck in your rut. All that focus on \"waiting for the right time\" can bring you to a place of inertia. The astral energy at play makes this a great day to get on your feet again! This is a time for nurturing yourself, not others. Give yourself what you need in terms of diet, exercise and rest. You may feel the impulse to take care of someone else as proof that you are out of your shell - resist and persist!


health aries weekly

Star 7/10

This promises to be a great time in many ways. You might completely forget about your diet and exercise routines if you\re anticipating a big date. But don\t forget that healthy eating and working out help you feel fantastic inside and out. Covering your blemishes or trying to disguise a lack of health won\t quite cut it.


health aries monthly

Star 7/10

The first three weeks of this month are for nurturing yourself and enjoying homey comforts and good food. Dont ignore your bodys request for rest and a chance to catch up on sleep, as giving in to it can do you much good. If your efforts at work have been suffering due to a lack of energy, making more time for yourself and for a little self-care could put you back on track. With Mercury, your health planet, easing into Leo on July 5, you could also benefit from getting involved in team sports for the exercise and the camaraderie.


love aries daily

Star 7/10

The celestial energy at play may encourage you to be more adventurous when it comes to your love life. There are times when it would benefit you not to stick so rigidly to the company of certain people, but to try and widen your circle of friends and get to meet those whom you would perhaps never usually consider. You may come into contact with someone you find absolutely fascinating.


love aries tomorrow

Star 7/10

Your fabulous personality attracts a lot of attention. Whether you are dressed to kill or not, you have a natural regal air about you that draws people. If you are already in a permanent relationship, expect to be surprised today. You may feel like breaking out, and getting some space by yourself. With a shock, you discover that you are really enjoying your own company. Do something you love.


love aries weekly

Star 9/10

Youve been burned before, but that isnt going to stop you from trying again in the first part of the week. Youre a fiery, passionate lover, and you cant hold that back for long. Your emotions are tested when an ex makes comments about you on social media or attempts to contact you directly over the weekend, but youre a strong person. For you, the past is the past and theres no looking back.


love aries monthly

Star 9/10

When Venus enters Gemini on July 4, youre the kind of flirt who knows what to say, how to say it, and whom to say it to! In other words, you have no problem coming up with tempting one-liners and steamy invites. Youre disappointed by a crush during the Venus/Neptune square on July 17, and realizing the truth about the person could be eye opening. At least its better to find out now than waste more time pining away. Mars enters extroverted Leo on July 20 and youre easily aroused. Dont just settle for the first person you see. Look for someone with long-term potential.


career aries daily

Star 9/10

You may get frustrated in the workplace since everyone else seems to be getting all the praise and attention, while you are the one actually doing all the work. Try to keep the focus more on what you are doing instead of what everyone else is doing.


career aries tomorrow

Star 9/10

Someone in your workplace is likely to abuse his or her position of power today. Just because he or she has authority over you doesn\t mean that this person is allowed to be disrespectful to you. Be careful of letting a situation go too far.


career aries weekly

Star 8/10

You may feel like mixing work and play now. Find reasons to be grateful no matter what your situation. Demand a careful review of all you do. Check things over until you can\t find any problems. If you\re looking for work, these are lucky days to apply. You can\t improve things if you don\t try. Be honest when sharing your opinions at work. Co-workers will want to help you.


career aries monthly

Star 7/10

Your career could reach a turning point around July 9. A raise, promotion, or prominent position could be awarded to you at the start of July. Presiding over a company or important division will bring out the best in you. Youll have to phase out products and services that are no longer turning a profit. Breathe deeply, keep calm, and continue to focus on your ultimate goal: a healthier operation that yields an impressive profit. On July 23, youll be inspired to develop a creative product. The powers that be will be reluctant to back this commodity. Its up to you to promote it nonstop.



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