Daily Cancer Horoscope July 06 (06/07)


Jun 22 − July 22

Alias: Alias: The Crab

July 06


daily cancer horoscope:

summary cancer daily

Star 7/10

Receiving unbiased advice could prove difficult now, regardless of whom you ask it from. Asking for guidance or input from certain others could result in them rolling their eyes wearily in the belief you and they have covered a certain topic umpteen times previously. That could make asking others for advice to be a waste of your and their time, especially when you know, in your heart, what your next move must be.


summary cancer tomorrow

Star 8/10

If you sense youre shouldering more than your share of responsibility in some way, then it might be necessary to highlight how someone elses complacency is playing a part in this. You might have done such a good job in the past of being the organizer or the do-er that someone is quite happy to let you do what they believe you do best. They need to know your patience and energy levels are reaching their limits.


summary cancer weekly

Star 7/10

The coming week could see you examining closely your involvement with a certain person or possibly an organization and assessing whether further investment of time and effort is worth making. There appears to be little more that needs to be discussed and as willing as you are to move something to a new level, you could feel frustrated at how a proverbial ball left in someone elses court is being ignored. Expect during coming days to have a clearer idea of where you stand.


summary cancer monthly

Star 9/10

Coming weeks could bring a need to become reclusive, not out of moodiness or unwillingness to interact with others but because you might feel its necessary to enjoy some you time in order to focus on tasks, plans or a project that need your undivided attention. The Full Moon on the 9th could coincide with you making clear what youre no longer prepared to accept where one relationship or contractual arrangement is concerned. As the month draws to a close, you could be focused intently on boosting your income and one idea holds serious moneymaking potential.


health cancer daily

Star 10/10

The balancing act our bodies perform daily takes place in the kidneys, where the blood is cleansed of impurities. To give your kidneys a hand, include borage (cleanses), gravel root (clears urinary stones) and buchu (kidney stimulant) in your diet. To learn about these and other nutritious substances, begin to frequent the more \"conscious\" produce markets in your area. Growers often sell direct to these markets, which speaks of a relatively balanced economic and environmental structure that you may want to support.


health cancer tomorrow

Star 10/10

Today\s planetary configuration could make you feel a sense of loneliness, as you realize that there are imbalances in the world that you alone cannot change. You may experience a sense of isolation when considering certain health issues. Try to share your thoughts and ideas with supportive friends and family. This planetary energy is telling you to share what is in your heart and mind with those you trust.


health cancer weekly

Star 8/10

You might benefit from an alternative treatment. Aromatherapy can have a powerful effect on one\s mood, especially if you suffer from mood swings. Regular massages with essential oils will help you feel lighter and less worried. You might also find benefit in flower or gem essences for certain health issues. Be willing to explore various options.


health cancer monthly

Star 7/10

As Saturn continues to reverse in your wellness sector, this month and the coming months offer a chance to restructure your routines. You may have desired change for a while, especially as the presence of Saturn here can make you conscious of exactly what needs to change. Doing it can be another matter, however, and something that requires application. You may find that having a personal trainer or life coach who can support you when you need it is the best way to reach your goals. Being accountable to someone might encourage you to push past those obstacles and go for it.


love cancer daily

Star 9/10

Today\s interplay of planetary energies creates a wonderful chance for a real romantic break. You can enjoy being with the one you love, and it may be a good idea to take time out to do something special so that you can strengthen the bond between you. If you are single, then a party that you attend this evening may yield a valuable prize.


love cancer tomorrow

Star 9/10

There could be a battle going on between your heart and your head. Today\s interplay of celestial energies may indicate that your head tells you to go one way and commit to one particular plan, while your heart tells you something else. While it is true that you do need to think clearly about how to achieve your goal, only your heart can tell you what that really is.


love cancer weekly

Star 7/10

Are you having trouble getting closure from a past relationship? Even if the breakup was quite some time ago, you may not be over it yet. Find someone in the beginning of the week who can relate and share your stories. Theres comfort in knowing someone else feels the same way. Its hard to be the one solo person amid a sea of couples over the weekend, but your turn will come. Smile as if it doesnt bother you.


love cancer monthly

Star 9/10

Youre been searching for the perfect partner, but during the July 5 Sun/Jupiter square you always seem to end up disappointed for some reason. Are you being too critical or do you deserve more than youve been getting recently? Deep down, you know the answer. A Mercury/Saturn trine on July 19 shines an honest spotlight on your love life, and this could be when you realize how things are rather than how you wish they were. Eye-opening experiences arent always pleasant, but theyre necessary for growth. Your feelings are hurt easily when Venus enters your sign on July 26. Try not to take things personally.


career cancer daily

Star 10/10

The brave and somewhat reckless tactic you may have taken with a project lately is starting to backfire. Now you are seeing the results of your immature approach. Compensate by taking some time to deal with the cold hard reality of the situation.


career cancer tomorrow

Star 10/10

Trying to make light of a sticky situation will not be easy today. Other people are more emotionally entangled than usual. Co-workers will snap without any notice whatsoever. Tread lightly around your workplace and try to stay out of trouble.


career cancer weekly

Star 9/10

Expect to have a pleasant period now. Your natural enthusiasm is contagious and will make you a favorite with co-workers and people you meet on the job. This time could see you at a crossroads. Doing what you care about with your whole heart is always a better choice than just working for a bigger paycheck. It\s is a high-energy time that\s ideal for anything that allows you to travel or market your ideas to a wider audience.


career cancer monthly

Star 8/10

A partnership will come to a satisfying conclusion on or around July 9. Working with an experienced executive has been instructive. Now youre ready to go solo. At times youll feel vulnerable without your associate. Push past your fears and rise to the challenge. Youre a born leader who now has all the tools needed to succeed. An exciting moneymaking opportunity will arrive near July 23. Any ventures involving entertainment, childrens goods, or gambling could be especially profitable. Youll have to move quickly to corner the market, but it can be done. Dont be afraid to face down an intimidating rival.



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