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Vietnam commented on cooperation with the US against illegal fishing


Vietnam is interested in information that the US wants to cooperate against illegal fishing in the international waters, according to the Foreign Ministry spokesman.

We are interested in this information, Foreign Ministry spokesman Le Thi Thu Hang answered VnExpress's question in today's regular press conference, mentioning the White House said that they would strengthen cooperation with Vietnam and Vietnam and

According to the statement from the White House, the US will cooperate with Vietnam, Ecuador, Panama, Senegal and Taiwan Island on anti -illegal, non -reporting and not as prescribed, referred to as IUU in the terms of lips.

Ms. Hang said that Vietnam advocates sustainable development of marine economy, maintaining sustainable development of aquatic exploitation industry with ships and occupations in accordance with the ability to allow and exploit aquatic resources according to regulations.

Vietnam's view of IUU is consistent and has been clearly stated.

The American Week coordinated with Fiji officials to patrol against fishing illegally in February. Photo: USCG.

The White House on June 27 issued a statement that President Joe Biden signed a memorandum of national security to combat illegal fishing and forced labor use in international waters.

An unnamed official of the Biden government said that the anti -IUU cooperation would include building capacity for partners as part of the strategic plan, but not further detailed.

The United States identified these 5 partners because they expressed their willingness to work with the United States to combat illegal, not reporting and not as prescribed, while another official.

The White House said it will strengthen cooperation with Vietnam and some other countries and territories to prevent illegal fishing in the international waters.

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