Medium-Duty (MD) Aluminum Lazy Susan Ring/Turntable with Single-Row Ball Bearings for Medium Loads, 8-Inch

  • Read full product description below for heavy-duty and medium duty lazy susan differences
  • Our lazy susan turntables are 10-13mm thick, 2-3mm more than lesser quality versions
  • Our lazy susan turntables use 5mm ball bearings, 2mm larger than lesser quality versions
  • Our lazy susan’s are packaged with Styrofoam to prevent shipping damage and are ready to use

I built a large dollhouse for my grandchildren . It's really nice but access to it was limited. The large lazy susan worked really well to make the doll house available from all sides.

After trying two of the large VXB bearings, I was hoping it wouldn't be the case that I needed to pay more for a lazy susan bearing than I did the piece of wood I'm bolting to it. Thankfully, this bearing is actually good. Notice in the pictures that each ball bearing has it's own plastic cage. That prevents the balls from binding on each other, which creates a rough feel and sound. The other cheap (relatively speaking) bearings did not feature cages, and suffered accordingly. Also, one ring is positioned slightly higher (or lower depending on the orientation) than the other. This is also good, because you don't have to worry about the bottom of your top piece rubbing on the other ring. So for about $10 more, get this bearing because it's designed way better.

I wanted to build a large lazy susan for my wife for Christmas. I could just find one and buy it. They were all way too small for what I had in mind. And what I had in mind was for games, and putting puzzles together. This large, heavy-duty turnable was exactly what I needed to build my 28" square lazy susan.

This is very well made and sturdy. Is taking a lot of weight now. I do stained glass and we put it under a 32” square light table made out of wood and very heavy with 1/4” plate glass on the top of the lights. It can be turned easily as I work on a large piece and is very sturdy.

Very easy to install and works well.

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I wanted to convert two rocker recliner chairs into swivels also. Because of the design of the chairs (the legs are steel bars with about a 1.5" downward curve at each end) , this 20" bearing was the perfect solution. It is smooth and quiet, has ball bearing spacers to prevent bearing contact with another bearing causing potential jerkiness. I cut plywood to fit between the two bars and attached the bearing to the plywood making all that part of the chair. I then cut a piece of plywood to rest the bearing on. This piece just sits on the floor The bearing supports the entire weight of chair and person. Specs say it will support 450 lbs. So far, it easily supports my weight (200 lbs) plus the chair (about 100 lbs.) with no problems.

Great price, good quality. Works perfectly for a tradeshow rotating display!

We're a professional custom furniture studio and have been putting lazy susans on tables for years. This model is so smooth without the characteristic sticky spots in the other models we've been using. In addition, the soft rubber feet and mounting points are much better quality than the others. We'll be using these for sure!

Excellent. I put a beautiful antique round marble top on top of the ring to create a lazy susan. Beautiful and works very well.


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