Green Silicone Bowl Lids, Set of 5 Reusable Suction Seal Covers for Bowls, Pots, Cups. Food Safe. Natural grip, interlocking handles for easy use and storage.

  • MAKE YOUR LIFE EASIER - No more fighting with plastic wrap or stretch lids! End cleaning up microwave splatter! Enjoy easy clean up - dishwasher safe! Save space and reduce clutter with interlocking lids for easy kitchen storage. Enjoy natural fit handles, easy to grip even for weaker hands.
  • CUTTING EDGE DESIGN - While other silicone covers tend to be flimsy and difficult to handle, our lids are engineered to hold their shape, flexible yet easy to handle, place, and remove. That means easier cooking with less clean up. No painful pinching with our easy grip handles. And they’re food safe, 100% Food Grade Silicone, certified to FDA standards, and BPA Free.
  • YOU'LL LOVE HOW HANDY THESE ARE - Use them for the microwave, stove, oven, fridge or to serve food at the table indoors or outside. Our lids fit most smooth rimmed containers including stainless metal plastic and glass. You get a universal fit for cups, mugs, pots, fry pans, glasses and bowls up to 10”. Safe for cooking and food storage from -40F to 450F in sizes 5" 6" 7" 7.8" and 10.2".
  • GREAT GIFT IDEA - for anyone who cooks, Foodies, housewarmings, holidays and hostess gifts to name just a few with these handy high quality lids.
  • YOU'LL WONDER HOW YOU EVER DID WITHOUT THESE LIDS – At Perfect and Simple, our mission is to make your life at home and in the kitchen just that, perfect and simple, with tools that work great and help organize. We love to help our customers and are dedicated to ensuring your questions are answered and you’re completely happy with your lids. 100% Satisfaction Guarantee.

These are really clever, and well-made. They seal well to the tops of containers. I used one of the lids to cover a bowl of thick soup that I was nuking... no spatters at all, and the suction gave me enough of a lift that I could easily remove the hot bowl from the microwave. (Note that I only used it to lift a bit so I could get under it! Don't try to carry a bowl of hot soup by suction alone, or you could experience a serious burn and a terrible mess!!) I bought these to have a cover for cake pans when I cook desserts in the pressure cooker...haven't tried that yet, but it looks like they will be a great solution. I did have a small problem with one of the lids, which had either a manufacturing flaw or had received some kind of cut to it. The customer service folks from Perfect and Simple Solutions had contacted me within hours of the delivery of the product, checking to see if I was happy. I informed them about the flaw, and within hours they had responded and sent out a replacement. It is rare to find an online company with that kind of responsiveness to the customer. I definitely would buy from them again.

So I already have a set of these for various bowls and pots but I needed a replacement for my espresso craft. I cut the top off the lid handle and trimmed the sides, fits perfectly. I like how all these lids can fit into each other. The handles on the top are very easy and comfortable to hold.

I have used these a lot for 2+ years now and they work just like they did from day one. They pay for themselves by saving on using either plastic wrap or foil. Can't say enough good things about them. Would immediately replace if one of them became unusable.

I ordered my first set of these over a year ago. I’m reordering a second set now. Not because they wore out, but because they were so useful I wanted more! In fact, now that my new ones have been unpacked and had an initial wash, I can’t tell by looking at them which ones I used for a year and which are the new ones. They work exactly as described and seal very well. Its amazing how strong the seal is. They are easy to rinse clean, but they also hold up well if you run them through the dishwasher. Highly recommend! — I bought these at the price listed by Amazon. No discount, no freebies in return for a review.

We are finding these very handy. Great for when I grab a random bowl in the kitchen to pop on a lid for fridge storage. Handy for keeping fruit flies, etc, out of your drink. Ideal for preventing microwave spills. They suction on to most bowls in a very satisfying manner. I probably need more...

Love These Lids. I have purchased 5 sets of these particular lids in the past month, and one other set which just seemed to be not as good. That could have been just my perception because that set was from a different seller and they were a different color. However 4 sets were given away as gifts and my 2 sets are in constant use. We almost never use that plastic/clingy wrap anymore albeit that still have its uses. These lids are easy-peasy to use. If I did not think so highly of them I would not have purchased so many sets. I would say "go for them, you won't be sorry"

These are great for leftovers that you want to keep in the serving dish because they will be eaten within the next few days. Just top the bowl with the silicone lid and you are good to go. The food stays fresh and airtight. And it is ridiculously easy for nibblers to open the frig and sneak a little out without any evidence of crumpled aluminum foil or plastic wrap. A win for everyone! After a few weeks of great success with the lids, I bought another set as a Christmas gift for my daughter's kitchen. I have one suggestion for the makers of these lids - please offer size options. I will most likely never use the two largest sizes but I could easily use 2-3 of each of the smaller sizes. I'm sure there are big families, however, that would say just the opposite. Regardless, I still ordered the full set for my daughter.

3:56 0:00 This video is not intended for all audiences. What date were you born? JanuaryFebruaryMarchAprilMayJuneJulyAugustSeptemberOctoberNovemberDecember12345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728293031201920182017201620152014201320122011201020092008200720062005200420032002200120001999199819971996199519941993199219911990198919881987198619851984198319821981198019791978197719761975197419731972197119701969196819671966196519641963196219611960195919581957195619551954195319521951195019491948194719461945194419431942194119401939193819371936193519341933193219311930192919281927192619251924192319221921192019191918191719161915191419131912191119101909190819071906190519041903190219011900 Submit Adobe Flash Player is required to watch this video. Install Flash Player I was surprised with several bonuses I didn't realize before purchasing these. Here's a few different ways I'm using these silicone lids that suction to bowls. (See my video for further explanation and demonstration) - For storing food in the refrigerator - Using on my metal bowls with pour spouts - Keeping coffee/tea/hot beverages warm by placing a lid on top of my cups - Steaming vegetables in the microwave in a glass bowl that I have that didn't come with a lid (it allows venting, too) - Keeping food from spattering in the microwave, no more food splats - Using outside on the patio to keep bugs and flies out of food while we have guests visiting - Keeping food hot on the table during holidays, vs. using tin foil I'm really impressed with the super good suction, and find it convenient how they stack together and are safe to be washed in the dishwasher. I can see giving these as gifts for newly weds, couples, friends and family who like cooking and are hard to shop for (Christmas). I don't know anyone who has these, yet, so I know they'll make for unique gift ideas. I'm hoping they come out with other colors, perhaps white, clear, red or green for the holidays or other occasions. It would also be cool if they had these in square or rectangular sizes. Maybe they will come out with those in the future, too. Their customer service is really great and they are open to receiving feedback and ideas, so I wouldn't be surprised if my wish list for other options comes true ;) I got these Perfect and Simple silicone lids covers for bowls on Amazon at a discount for my honest review. I love sharing my experiences with others of things that bring value into to my life, and these silicone lids covers for bowls have definitely been a nice enhancement for cooking in my kitchen and storing food.

These are excellent covers to use with serving pieces that otherwise do not have a cover. I got them right before Christmas and used them on several crystal and silver serving bowls with great results for Christmas Dinner. They kept the warm things warm, the cold things cold, and the cats and kids out of everything! They are attractive enough for a holiday dinner, but still go in the dishwasher and don't take too much storage space. Since the holidays, I have been using them in the refrigerator for storage and for warming in the microwave so they are more than just serving pieces. I got the white set as I was afraid the "red" looked more like a "berry" shade to me - if anyone has the red ones I'd like to know if they are a real red because I might get a 2nd set for next Christmas - or even Valentines Day!

I received these just a few days ago. I've been looking at these in stores and finally made up my mind to purchase them. I've used one lid so far, to cover my left overs. Loved it! When heating in the microwave, a paper towel sometimes sinks into the food; or will slide off the container during the process, so you have splatters all over. These lids remain on the bowl/container with a good seal and heat without mishap! I'll be using these as my "go to" when reheating foods, thus using less paper towels. Great product. Would recommend them to anyone.


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