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Daily Gemini Horoscope September 15 (15/09)
Gemini May 21 − Jun 21 Alias: Alias: The Twins September 15 (15/09) daily gemini horoscope: summary gemini daily Star 7/10 If you sense others are having fun as you knuckle down and burn the midnight oil to meet numerous obligations or responsibilities, then thats your cue to accept all work and no play make a Gemini dull. Try to find ways to spread your responsibilities instead of cramming them into finite time frames. You have more flexibility and support available to you than you might be using now. Read more... summary gemini tomorrow Star 8/10 You deserve to be jealous of your time and how its allocated, especially where others demands on it are concerned. It could become necessary to start imposing some limits or restrictions, and this could also involve you identifying a b...
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